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Federation University (MIT), Townhall
Nov 2020 - Jun 2021

The backend of the ecommerce having huge data related to the entire range of products the company trades. There was no specific tailored software to handle the database and organize the product. And interface should display categories from the database in the site with relevant information like brand, name, etc. Moreover, the site requires more functions like double click, drag and drop.


We used Agile Scrum Methodology for the project management. For the back- end development, we used HTML5, CSS, PHP for the website whereas postgres SQL for the database. For the front-end development, we used InVision, Pencil, Adobe Illustrator for template of the web application.


As a group of 5, I was doing UX and UI design, Project Management and documenting daily tasks.


Organized Web Application so that the back-end user can easily modify product details, securely Entry of data and having functions like drag and drop, double click, right click.

Using FreeNAS Storage Network over Windows Server 2012

TAFE NSW, St. Leonards
Aug 2018 - Dec 2018

The project goal is to make a storage system using FreeNAS to allow sharing with Windows Server 2012.


Mainly, I have used the Windows Server 2012 provided by tutor and FreeNAS in virtual device. I have used oracle virtual machine to install both Operating System. The FreeNAS is based on FreeBSD and for the graphical interface it uses the browser. Moreover, Windows Server 2012 was serving two Windows 10 as end users.


This was the individual project. I did installation of Operating Systems for Server, Clients, and storage System (FreeNAS) itself. I did IP addressing, Switching, and routing with some help for the tutor and online sources.


The Windows server was able to communicate with FreeNAS as well as end users. As an outcome the data from Windows server was able to store at FreeNAS but the end user’s data were not stored to FreeNAS directly but could do it manually.

Constructing a Personal Website


During this time, I challenge myself to construct a well formatted website to show case myself. As being a IT graduate and a job seeker, I tried to be more innovative and create a personal website. The two major objectives of this project is to revise the tools I have learnt and to show my potential to the company willing to hire me.


Basically, I started with single page website but wanted to do some extra which ended this website to be two page website. I have used HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 5.1 to create this website. As per the design, the colors were selected from colorhunt, images we edited using photoshop , google fonts were used texts, fevicon was used for tab bar icon, and fontawesome were used for icons in the page.
The uses of HTML5 done for the content, CSS3 and Bootstrap were used for styling. The classes of Bootstrap such as card, nav, etc were used. For device responsiveness, Bootstrap classes row and coloumn were utilized. I also wanted to add media query but was not necessary. Overall, I wanted to make it as simple as possible.


Starting the project, I make a wireframe of the website in paper. I did select the color, theme, and content of the website. Strating to write the HTML and CSS was challenging but some how I did it.


I was happy with my end result and hope to improve more.